Coffee Profile Chart by Country
Coffee characteristics can change from year to year and vary from farm to farm even within a small region. Improvements in coffee growing and processing techniques continue to lead to new possibilities in the expression of coffee flavors in countries and in specific growing regions all around the world. Many factors affect coffee flavor and one’s perception of flavors.
The following chart provides only the most general descriptions of coffees that we often carry at Highland Coffees. These descriptions are for coffees medium roasted. We also sell dark roasted versions for most of our coffees, as well as some interesting blends. Our coffee offerings may change throughout the year, depending on which coffees are available and worthy of being brought in. Use the chart only as a starting point for evaluating coffees and developing one’s own coffee profiles.
Roasted Coffees
Type | Region | Acidity | Body | Other Flavor Characteristics and Origin Information |
Brazil | South America | 4 | 4 | Brazil is the world’s biggest coffee producer, supplying about 30 percent of the world’s supply. Much of its coffee is commercial grade, although it does produce some good specialty coffees. Coffees are grown at altitudes of only 2,000 to 4,000 feet. The highest grade is called “Strictly Soft Bean.” Coffees tend to be mellow, pleasant, uncomplicated. |
Colombia | South America | 6 | 5 | Colombia is third to Brazil and Vietnam in overall coffee production and first in quantity of Arabicas grown. The Juan Valdez ad campaign helped make Colombia the best known origin. “Supremo” is the highest grade based on bean size. Colombia has many outstanding growing regions, including Huila, Popayan, Tolima, Narino, and Antioquia. |
Costa Rica | Central America | 7 | 4 | Costa Rican coffee is consistently smooth and fragrant. Coffee has been grown in Costa Rica since the late 1700s. Most coffees are grown between 4,000 and 5,500 feet. Tarrazu and Tres Rios are two of the best known growing regions. La Minita, an estate coffee from Tarrazu, is one of the most highly regarded coffees in the world, year after year. |
El Salvador | Central America | 6 | 5 | Some excellent coffees come from this tiny country located between Guatemala and Honduras. Coffee is grown at high altitudes in rich volcanic soil. The best Salvadorans are fragrant, mildly complex, and have good acidity. |
Ethiopia | Northeast Africa | 9 | 4 | Ethiopia is widely regarded as the birthplace of Arabica coffee. Some of the world’s finest coffees come from Ethiopia. Coffees are grown at high altitudes which range from 4,500 to nearly 7,500 ft. Fine Ethiopian coffees often have exquisite flavor notes of citrus, blueberry, raspberry, and jasmine. Outstanding washed and natural (dry) processed coffees are produced in Ethiopia. |
Guatemala | Central America | 7 | 5 | Guatemala features several famous growing regions, including Antigua, Huehuetenango, Coban, and Atitlan. The country has countless microclimates because of its terrain. Coffees are often grown at elevations over 5,000 feet. “Strictly Hard Bean” is the highest grade, based on elevation. Great Guatemalan coffees are fruity and nuanced, and they have very good acidity. |
Kenya | East-Central Africa | 8 | 7 | Kenyan coffees are among the most admired among coffee experts. These coffees are complex and often possess deep berry notes. Kenya only began cultivating coffee in the early 1900s. Much of the great coffee of Kenya comes from high altitude growing regions just north of Nairobi. “AA” is the highest grade in Kenya based on bean size. |
Mexico | Central America | 6 | 4 | Coffee cultivation in Mexico dates back to the late 1700s. Many of the best Mexican coffees are grown in the southern part of the country in the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas, the latter of which borders Guatemala. Mexican coffees are smooth and rather delicate with a light snap. |
Nicaragua | Central America | 7 | 5 | Coffees from Nicaragua are generally grown at altitudes of 3,000 to 4,500 feet. The highest grade, by altitude, is called “Strictly High Grown.” The best known coffee regions are Jinotega, Matagalpa, and Segovia. Nicaraguan coffees are fragrant, mildly complex, with good acidity and body, often showing nut and citrus flavors. |
Panama | Central America | 6 | 5 | Panama is a thin slice of land connecting Costa Rica on the west and Colombia to its east and separating the Caribbean from the Pacific. Most of Panama’s great coffees come from altitudes of 3,500 to 6,000 feet in the Chiriqui province in the west, especially from the Boquete and Volcan regions. These coffees can be lively with floral and citrus notes. |
Papua New Guinea | Malay Archipelago | 7 | 5 | Located just above the northeast tip of Australia, Papua New Guinea (PNG) is the eastern half of the island of New Guinea. Much of the rootstock of PNG coffee is from Jamaica. Its coffees often have a profile with characteristics of both Central American coffees and those of Indonesia. The best New Guineas are delicately complex with good acidity and mellow fruit and spice notes. |
Sulawesi | Indonesia | 4 | 6 | Coffees from Sulawesi, formerly known as Celebes, come mostly from the Toraja region in the central part of this orchid-shaped island. These coffees have good body and low to medium acidity with a light woody flavor and sometimes ripe fruit undertones. |
Sumatra | Indonesia | 3 | 8 | Coffee growing in Sumatra dates all the way back to the early 1700s. Arabica coffees from Sumatra are grown at high elevations mostly in the north-central and far northern parts of the island. Coffee processing methods in Sumatra vary widely, yielding uneven results. Traditionally, the best Sumatran coffees have had a pronounced earthy quality. They are deep bodied and complex. |
Tanzania | East-Central Africa | 7 | 5 | Most of Tanzania’s coffee is grown around Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru near Kenya. While the highest grade is “AA,” the coffee is often sold as peaberry. A peaberry is a single small, rounded bean that forms inside the coffee cherry, rather than the usual two flat-sided beans. Tanzanian coffee displays good acidity and can be similar to Kenyan coffee in flavor, but it is milder and less complex. |
Timor | Malay Archipelago | 4 | 6 | Timor is a relatively poor, recently independent (2002) nation. Most of its coffee is certified organic. Coffees from Timor have a milder, cleaner profile than those from Sumatra. They are balanced with a light woody flavor. |
Coffee Blends
Type | Region | Acidity | Body | Other Flavor Characteristics and Origin Information |
Ethiopian Blend | Africa and Indonesia | 6 | 5 | Ethiopian Blend is the lightest of our four blends. It is made up of two-thirds Ethiopian Yirgacheffe and one-third Sumatran Mandheling. Both coffees are medium roasted. |
Italian Blend | Central America and South America | 2 | 6 | Italian Blend is the darkest of the four blends we keep on our retail shelf. It is three-quarters dark roast and one-quarter medium roast. We use this blend as our Darker house espresso blend. |
Traders’ Blend | Central America, South America, and Indonesia | 3 | 7 | Traders’ Blend is made up of one-third dark roast and two-thirds medium roast. We use Traders’ Blend as our Milder house espresso blend. |
Viennese Blend | Central America and South America | 4 | 6 | Viennese Blend is half dark roast, half medium roast. It is popular as an espresso blend, as a hot brewed coffee, and as a cold dripped iced coffee. |
Flavored Coffees
We also offer a nice selection of flavored coffees. Our flavored coffees always start with a fine fresh-roasted Central or South American coffee so that the underlying coffee is outstanding. Our selection includes the following flavors: Caramel Royale, Chocolate Mint, Cinnamon Swirl, French Vanilla, Hazelnut, Irish Cream, and Vanilla Nut.
Decaffeinated Coffees
We always have a few decaffeinated coffees, including a dark roasted decaf, among our available coffees. Our decafs have had the caffeine removed using a water process that leaves great flavor in the beans. When quality beans, the right decaffeination process, and in-shop roasting are combined, great tasting decaffeinated coffee is the result.
Coffee Selection
Coffee Origins: From Seed to Cup
Coffee Taste Characteristics
Coffee Profile Chart by Country
Coffee Tips